by Controllers Council | Nov 12, 2021 | Trends
For most organizations, fall is the time to prepare the annual budget in time for the start of the fiscal year. But recent years have seen such seismic changes in the financial industry that it’s not always easy for controllers and other financial professionals to...
by Controllers Council | Nov 9, 2021 | Controller Insights
Climbing the corporate ladder takes time, patience, and the right skill set. Moving from controller to CFO isn’t something that happens overnight, though it still may be a daily dream. Many individuals aspire to the ranks of the C-suite, the catch-all description of a...
by Controllers Council | Nov 5, 2021 | CFO Insights, Controller Insights
A recent webinar entitled Five Questions Controllers Should be Asking CFOs, brought together a panel of corporate finance pro’s to discuss how Controllers interact with and support CFOs. The Roundtable discussion was moderated by Judy Hanover, a subject matter...
by Controllers Council | Oct 21, 2021 | Accounts Receivable, Finance Automation
From ensuring balance sheet integrity to balance sheet optimization, the Controller is no longer solely focused on making sure the numbers stack up. Their role has evolved into a forward-looking chief value extractor, driving technological change, good governance, and...
by Controllers Council | Oct 19, 2021 | Controller Insights, Trends
A study on Corporate Controllers and CFOs evolving responsibilities for technology was launched in the 2nd half of 2021 by the Controllers Council. The objective of the study was to identity how Controllers, CFOs and their accounting/finance departments are changing...