Controllers Council Infographics
2024 Controller & Corporate Finance Statistics
Accounting and Financial Controllers are key executives in companies and organizations of all sizes, across all industries, in all countries and continents. In small and medium-size businesses (SMB), Controllers often report to the president or CEO. In large or enterprise organizations, Controllers are typically the top accounting executive. Following are Controller, CFO and related corporate finance statistics for the United States and globally that reinforce the importance of these titles and roles, brought to you by the Controllers Council.
2024 CFO/Controllers Sentiment Study
The annual sentiment study identifies the CFO/Controller Financial Performance Index (FPI), and CFO/Controller Spending/Budget Index (SBI) which can be compared to prior indexes to identify trends. The study also uncovers what CFOs and Controllers will do differently in 2024? Adopting AI is one major priority, which may assist with the ongoing talent shortage. Managing a Hybrid work environment will dominate. And carefully watching spend even with improved financial performance, all amidst extremely challenging economic, political and business environments. The study captures extraordinary insights into corporate finance with executive respondents from all company sizes, and industries.
2023 Corporate Finance & Accounting Talent Study
The objective of this important study was to identity how Controllers, CFOs and related executives are managing finance and accounting (F&A) talent, along with such challenges as talent turnover and skill shortages, hybrid and remote work environments, rapidly changing macro-economic environments, outsourcing, and more.
Corporate Finance Upskill Study
With this backdrop, the objective of the Corporate Finance Upskill/Reskill Study is to identify how Controllers, CFOs, and their respective counterparts have adapted to the Great Resignation staff shortages, along with remote and hybrid workplaces.
The survey uncovers some fascinating dynamics and trends, not the least of which is the emergence of training, Upskilling/Reskilling as high priority and ongoing initiatives.