Building a Scalable AP Process
Controllers are asked to do more than ever. Whether that’s a move into operations, a requirement that you take over the HR side of business, or simply the management of financial processes, it’s harder than ever to keep up with the day to day responsibilities of your...
The Need for Community: Five Reasons to Join Controllers Council
Controllers are some of the hardest working people in an organization. But unfortunately, they have been overlooked. For those 250,000 of you in the United States, you’ve probably seen a variety of organizations focused on your peers. But what about you? We launched...
New Letter to Congress Urges Automatic PPP Forgiveness
The last few months have been… interesting. From the coronavirus outbreak to some of the largest stimulus packages in existence, controllers at many organizations have had to make a variety of tough decisions to keep their business moving forward. However, as this all...
The Role of Automation in the Modern Business
For the decade leading up to 2020, the business world has been in high gear. Whether it was in the form of startups coming out of nowhere and becoming multibillion-dollar players, the new expectation of two-day shipping both in the business and consumer worlds, or...
The Evolution of the Controller and the Importance of Growth
What is a controller? If you asked that question ten, five, or even two years ago, the answer would be reasonably different than it is today. While the regular roles—person responsible for preparation of financial reports, such as balance sheets and income...
Is Your Business Ready for a Decentralized Spend Landscape?
Much like work from home orders changed the way we think of our jobs, the rise of decentralized spending has made us rethink the way that businesses make purchasing decisions. Knowing this, the move to decentralize purchasing, when handled properly, can streamline...
Myths and Misconceptions about Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy always feels like one of those much maligned terms for businesses—but just over a decade ago, Chapter 11 protection was quite common. However, as we continue to live in lockdowns, the reality of the matter is that you may want to keep your options open. The...
Complexities and Opportunities of ASC 842 Adoption
Hailed as one of the biggest changes to accounting in decades (or at least since ASC 606), The Lease Accounting Standard, also known as ASC 842 was a marked change in the way that leases are reported. According to a recent report from LeaseQuery and Encoursa, the move...
Pandemics and Paper Checks: A Pressing Threat for Businesses
As you know, money is tight right now at businesses across the nation. The effects of the pandemic will be felt for years to come—whether that’s in the form of long-term tax implications or slowed growth. However, something that we discussed in a recent blog, the past...
The Power of Financial Analytics: How Finance Professionals Are Slicing and Dicing Information More Effectively
Being in the know matters. With a job title like controller, you need to keep up with all the latest at your organization to understand how it affects the finances. Luckily, for those organizations who embrace it, financial analytics provides the insights needed to...
The Role of the Finance Professional in the Midst of a Crisis
Every decade presents us with at least one significant crisis. Whether that’s an internal crisis, industry crisis, or global crisis, you can rest assured that as soon as the pandemic is a memory, the clock starts ticking as we approach a different one. Lessons...
The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Payment Timeliness
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that money is tight at firms across the US and around the world—after nearly three months of lockdowns, business has slowed as many fight to bring in enough money to pay employees, suppliers, and the like. Understandably, it was well...
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