by Controllers Council | Jun 16, 2021 | Accounting, Accounting Education, HR/Talent, Professional Growth, Top Recommendations
With a growing accountant shortage, it’s more important than ever before to direct young adults to a career in accounting. This career might offer a great deal of stability in an increasingly unstable job market. What does it take to become an accountant? Accounting...
by Controllers Council | Jun 11, 2021 | Accounting, HR/Talent
On the national stage, Americans are becoming increasingly sensitized to the needs of minority communities. While the origins and extent of racism and discrimination are hotly debated, what remains undeniable is the fact that women and minority groups tend to be...
by Controllers Council | Apr 29, 2021 | HR/Talent
Companies might finally be eyeing their return to work. But on the road back, leaders need to ask questions to ensure a safe, easy, and understandable plan of action on the way back. But you’re undoubtedly going to run into a touchy situation on the road back to...
by Controllers Council | Feb 22, 2021 | HR/Talent, Trends
It doesn’t sound incredibly complicated—people want to be surrounded with others similar to themselves. Unfortunately, for those in the accounting profession, it’s hard to find talent in the black and brown community, potentially pushing diversity and inclusion...
by Controllers Council | Jan 27, 2021 | HR/Talent, Trends
If you spent the past nine months in a ‘holding pattern’ for hiring, you’re not alone. Despite being a skillset and a position that many companies can’t live without, some companies didn’t have the cash lying around to bring on corporate finance and accounting talent....
by Controllers Council | Jan 11, 2021 | Corporate Finance, HR/Talent
2021 is here, and… we’re still in lockdown. Though the vaccine is here and there looks to be a light at the end of the tunnel, many are still reluctant to return. But some are asking whether that’s such a bad thing. With many professionals accustomed to the new way of...