Allianz Trade is the trademark used to designate a range of services provided by Euler Hermes. Euler Hermes is the global leader in trade credit insurance and a recognized specialist in the areas of surety, collections, structured trade credit and political risk. Headquartered in Paris, Euler Hermes is present in more than 50 countries with 5,500 employees. In 2020, Euler Hermes global business transactions represented 824 billion Euro in exposure. Euler Hermes is a full member of Allianz Group. For more information, please visit allianz-trade.com/us.

5 Ways to Accelerate Your Business – eBook
As a business leader, you’re constantly looking ahead to future-proof your business. After all, the survival of your company depends on it. While some businesses will thrive, others will barely scrape the surface. Taking advantage of new innovation, along with some tried-and-true business advice, will help your company level up and flourish.
In this eBook, we’ll explore five simple areas in which you can take action right now to quickly accelerate your business efficiency and provide stability for your company’s future.