Cash Flow Forecasting Tips for Turbulent Times

Managing your cash flow as tightly as possible is perhaps the most important tool you have to withstand a challenging and uncertain economy and come out on the other side intact and poised for growth.  Your ability to produce accurate and timely cash-flow statements, and to perform analysis based on those accurate and up-to-date reports, is highly critical for assessing both the current health of your organization and making key business decisions.
Join us for a live discussion where you’ll learn about the choices for improving your cash flow forecasting, reporting, analysis and planning, and how better cash flow management will help you weather the sluggish economy and, ultimately, outperform your competition.
Learning Objectives:  
– Discuss common limitations for creating accurate cash flow forecasts 
– Demonstrate the need for deeper, real-time insights into financial performance and how to align strategic business objectives  
– Explain how to evolve and drive accurate cash flow forecasts through automation  
– John Murdock, CEO at Centage  
– Mike Matthews, Director of Sales Enablement at Centage  

Watch now on-demand:

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